SDK development tools
All our data capture solutions are easily customized to be able to satisfy most of the requirements, but in some cases you may want to create their own vertical application or integrate the functionality of data extraction and images processing in a pre-existing product: a this end, it is possible to use specific SDK (Software Development Kit), also called development kit or toolkit.
Conceptually, a SDK can be seen as a "black box" capable of images processing according to the instructions given, however, without the need to learn and develop the complex algorithms and technologies that are the basis of its functionality.
So a SDK consists of a library of functions is available for the Windows platform as a DLL, of a documentation and some examples in different programming languages, such as Visual Basic, Visual C + +, Delphi, Visual C#.NET, Visual Basic. NET, Java.
The toolkit makes it easier and speed up the creation of your project, without start from begin or clashing with issues already resolved very well.
Recogniform OMR SDK
Recognition engine fo marker box (OMR, Optical Mark Recognition) integrated in data capture application that require images conversion with checked boxes used for multiple response data on processed data.

Recogniform ICR SDK
ICR (Intelligent Character Recognition) engine to recognize handwritten numbers and letters.

Recogniform OCR SDK
Engine optical character recognition (OCR, Optical Character Recognition), integrated in data capture application that require images conversion with printed text or typescripts into editable text.

Recogniform BCR SDK
Recognition engine of linear bar code (BCR, BarCode Recognition), integrated in data capture application that require images conversion with bar code 1D into editable text.

Recogniform BCR-2D SDK
Recognition engine of bidimensional bar code (BCR 2D, BarCode Recognition 2D), integrated in data capture application that require images conversion with 2D bar code into editable text.

Recogniform OCR-A SDK
Recognition engine of specific character for font OCR-A (OCR-A, Optical Character Recognition font A), integrated in data capture application that require images conversion with lines of text OCR-A into editable text.

Recogniform OCR-B SDK
Recognition engine of specific character for font OCR-B (OCR-B, Optical Character Recognition font B), integrated in data capture application that require images conversion with lines of text OCR-B into editable text.

Recogniform MICR CMC7 SDK
Powerful and accurate CMC7 recognition engine to convert CMC7 codelines into editable text.

Recogniform MICR E13B SDK
Engine for font recognition of magnetic ink character font E13B (MICR-E13B, Magnetic Ink Character Recognition font E13B), integrated in applications that require data capture converting images containing lines of text into editable text E13B.

Recogniform CHR SDK
Cursive handwritter recognition (CHR, Cursive Handwritten Recognition), integrated in applications that require images conversion with handwritten cursive word into editable text.

Recogniform Lines Removal SDK
Library lines removal (Lines Removal Library), integrated in application that require the removal of lines from images.

Dynamic Thresholding SDK
Library of dynamic thresholding (Dynamic Thresholding Library), integrated in application that require the dynamic binarize of images.

Recogniform Deskew SDK
Library of deskew (Deskew Library), integrated in application that require the automatic deskew of images.

Recogniform Despeckle SDK
Library of despeckle (Despeckle Library), integrated in application that require the images despeckle.

Black Border Removal SDK
Libarary of black border removal (Black Border Removal Library), integrated in application that require the black border removal from images.

Recogniform Imaging SDK
Allows to scan images via TWAIN driver, read/write tiff/jpeg/pdf files, view and edit pictures.

Recogniform Layout Analysis SDK
Library of layout analysis (Layout Analysis Library), integrated in application that require the analysis of layout images.

Form Identification SDK
Library of form identification (Form Identification Library), integrated in application that require the automatic identification of images.

Field Classification SDK
A library that allows you to recognize if a field is handwritten or printed, integrated in data capture application that determine whether to use the OCR or ICR for reading a given.

Quality Control SDK
Library that allow to checking quality of images (IQA: Image Quality Assurance).

Number Plates Recognition SDK
Recognition engine for number plates of vehicles (ANPR, Automatic Number Plates Recognition), integrated in data capture application that require read of number plates from vehicles photos.

Banknotes Serial Number Recognition SDK
Recognition engine for serial number of paper banknotes (BSNR, Banknotes Serial Number Recognition), integrate in data capture application that require read serial number banknotes from images.